Arsenic Removal Plant

Arsenic Removal filter is that kind of filter that removes arsenic from water.Whenarsenic levels are too high, water may need to be treated to remove it. It’s effectivelyremove  arsenic from drinking water, Oxidation of As (iii) to convert it to As (v) may be required in many cases. To ensure high filtration efficiency the process beings with  oxidation, Coagulation then occurs to group the Arsenic particles. As a result, they are forced through an ion exchange filter, membrane technologies can also be used to remove arsenic.

Earth water Solutions has many years of experience designing and building arsenic removalPlant . Our Company produces Safe drinking water for Commercial and industrial clients and and in PHED using proprietary technologies.

EWS developed and optimized the following technologies for removing arsenic from raw water.

  • Filtration of coagulation
  • Filtration by oxidation
  • Specific media odsorption
  • Exchange of ions.
  • Filtration through a membrane .
  • Using nanofiltration technology.

Advantages arsenic removal filter is its eco- friendly removal Plant , works with wide range of pH in water, It can remove arsenic upto 2 PPM from water , do not require extra electricity for  Working.

Earth Water Solutions is the leading and top most Arsenic Removal filter manufacturer in India, Kolkata. We help our customers fulfill their aim of treating waste water.